

dein coach per e-mail oder ​textnachricht

Email Me

Website Mockup 1


Woman in White Shirt Holding White Printer Paper

Ich bin deine ​psychologische Coachin

Schreibst du deine Gedanken auch am liebsten auf? ​Oder findest du es schwierig, deine Gedanken spontan ​mündlich zu formulieren? Schreib mir einfach.

Ich berate dich sehr gerne per E-Mail oder über einen ​anderen Messenger.


Impulse - Schule für Gesundheitsberufe

Ausbildung zur psychologischen ​Beraterin / Personal Coach, 2020-2023

Freie Coachin und psychologische ​Beraterin, 2023-heute

Trempleway Art Academy, 2020-2023

BA Graphic Design

Magna cum laude


  • Beratung
  • Digital Illustration
  • Creative Project Management
  • Content Visualization & ​Execution
  • Brand Refresh and ​Transformation
A Woman Using Her Laptop while Sitting on the Floor


Blue Pink Clean Informative Health & Hygiene Dentist Logo

Brand Identity

Blue Pink Clean Informative Health & Hygiene Dentist Instagram Story
Blue Pink Clean Informative Health & Hygiene Dentist Instagram Post
Blue Pink Trivia Clean Informative Health & Hygiene Dentist Instagram Post
Blue Pink Clean Informative Health & Hygiene Dentist Email Header

I worked with a local clinic to create a simple, thoughtful and approachable brand identity. We agreed on a two-color scheme and modern forms as the key elements.

Brand Redesign

I helped a well-loved company update their visual identity and transform their brand into something fresh and more aligned with their new business direction.

Web Design

Website Mockup 3

I helped a new brand with the design of their website and online profiles.

Logo Design

I worked with clients from different industries to create unique and memorable logos for their businesses.

Black and White Simple Clothing Store Logo
Animated Mountain Logo for Coffee Shops, Breweries, Restaurants, & Indie Brands
Restaurants, Bars, & Breweries Logo
Brown and Beige Bakery Logo
Esoteric Mystical Snake Logo Template
Black and White Filmstrip Logo

I help businesses create a brand or identity that is clear, strong, and reflective of what they are as an entity.

Woman Wearing Brown Blouse Top

Work with me

A Woman with Curly Hair Sitting Near a Bulletin Board


123 Anywhere St., Any City, State, Country 12345


(123) 456 7890

